Battle of the Balms

To BB (cream) or not to BB that is the question… CC cream has emerged and made BB Cream lovers a tad bit confused.  The major difference is the proof in the cream.  While BB cream works as a multi-tasker with non-brightening primer, light foundation, moisturizer and sunscreen in one it doesn’t help with skin correctives.  CC cream contains a skin brightening primer, light foundation, moisturizer, sunscreen, anti-aging ingredients and sometimes collagen boosters.  Both creams give you coverage while keeping your skin’s health in mind.  Beauty Balm lovers can’t help but notice that BB creams tend to be a bit heavier compared to Color Corrective Creams which tend to be a tad lighter making them better for acne-prone skin and focuses on concealing existing issues.  The major difference between the two is that BB creams contain non brightening primers while CC creams do.  The pro’s say CC creams are better for the summer month’s because of their lighter consistency and flawless coverage. Give each a try and let the battle of the creams commence!
