Indique’s favorite, Tonice Joyce Taylor helped DoSomething.Org yesterday by collecting jeans for underprivileged teens. 1 out of 3 homeless people are below the age of 18. “Teens for Jeans”, funded by Aeropostale, has launched a campaign from January 16th to February 12th, and encourages high-school students to collect slightly used jeans. In the past 4 years, this organization has collected over 1.5 million pairs of jeans. Great job Tonice in giving back! P.S…Tonice is wearing the BOUNCE Collection Beach Wave in 22”.
Tonice Joyce Taylor for Miss New York USA 2012!
Indique Hair is a proud sponsor of Tonice Joyce Taylor as she competes for the title of Miss New York USA 2012 this weekend at Purchase College Perfoming Arts Center in Purchase, NY!
To complete her pageant look, Tonice will be wearing BOUNCE Beach Wave in 22 inches!
Good luck, Tonice!