Become a Bonaroovian : 2015 Bonaroo Music Festival

It is one of the most eclectic and ethereal Music and Art festivals to hit the U.S. Summer festival scene and it showcased some of the most diverse musical acts to perform on one stage.  The Bonaroo Festival took place just last week at Great Stage Park in Manchester, TN, located just outside of Nashville Tennessee. The 650-acre outdoor event space is home to the four-day music festival created and produced by Superfly Presents and AC Entertainment. The Festival served to be an escape into Music, Art and Discovery. With Activities such as a mini film festival, graffiti walls, parades, costume parties, Christmas barns and plethora of musical acts that would touch every possible genre of music your ears could handle. With performances from artist such Billy Joel, Childish Gambino, Mumford & Sons, Kendrick Lamar, Florence & the Machine, D’Angelo & the Vanguard, DeadMau5, Def Loaf and Earth Wind & Fire to name a few, Bonaroo was “The” festival to attend and the perfect kick off to summer.


The acts start their performances at around 12:00pm and finish late into the next morning on the “Farm” as the “Bonaroovians” call it, which is the park that they call home while camping out and partaking in all the festivities and facilities that are provided to them, on their little adult version of Magic Kingdom. This wristband society plays and explores various stages and tents and living by an understood code they like to name the “Bonnaroovian Code” which requires the following. 1) Prepare Thy Self, 2) Play as a Team, 3) Radiate Positivity, 4) Respect the Farm, 5) Don’t be that Guy/Gal , 6) Stay true to the Roo. After one visit to the Farm you will be a changed person and become a true Bonnarovian who is a "person that has had their mind blown by the full Bonnaroo whammy and has great passion for find and celebrating good stuff.

 Interested in becoming a Bonaroovian or for more info on the festival, check out