Cover Girl: Kerry Washington Covers Essence Magazine's March 2012 Issue


Kerry Washington is looking fabulous in a white satin dress on the March 2012 cover of Essence Magazine!

The beautiful 35-year-old is an honoree of the magazine’s “Black Women in Hollywood” piece. In the interview she discusses what what it’s like being a black actress in the Hollywood industry.

“I think it’s a really special time to be a woman of color in this business. The landscape of who has the power is changing,” she said. “We are in more influential positions and are able to have a say in the stories that are told. I feel very lucky to be in the business now.…”

To read the full article, look out for this issue, it will be hitting the stands very soon.

FYI: You can get Kerry’s cover hairstyle by barrel curling your BOUNCE Natural Roots Indique hair and spraying some light holding spray to maintain your curls.