Live Healthy and Snack on Tasty Treats

As women, we constantly are criticized about our weight. Our biggest critic is usually our self. Losing and gaining weight can be frustrating and eliminating our favorite foods from our diet can make us feel deprived. Good news ladies, you can have your favorite foods and still live a healthy lifestyle! It all comes down to eating our guiltiest pleasures in moderation and swapping out the man made foods for natural foods.

Savannah James, wife of NBA player Lebron James, is showing us how we can achieve our dream figure and still snack on our favorite sweet treats. James recently opened a juice bar in Miami called The Juice Spot. You won't feel guilty after ordering at this protein packed juice bar. Items on the menu may include peanut butter and chocolate but the juices and smoothies are meant to provide protein and great taste.  Remember, this is a lifestyle change not a diet.

Mother/daughter duo and fitness gurus Lane and Ellen Ector also show us how we can eat  our traditional soul food meals and keep the pounds off. The Ectors have revamped the way women think about food. Check out some of the photos below:

Treats served at The Juice Spot in Miami. (source:

Ellen Ector's recipe for cupcake sized portions of macaroni and cheese. Find more recipes at